I was born in times with no personal computers, cell phones and Internet and I have been witnessing an overwhelming emergence of all those new things and most importantly the change in human views and values..
— Daniil Alikov

Online Gallery


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About Daniil's Work

My artistic practice is an ongoing visual and conceptual experiment about the possible image of art in the future.

I was born in times with no personal computers, cell phones and Internet and I have been witnessing an overwhelming emergence of all those new things and most importantly the change in human views and values.

Nowadays, we are seeing the beginning of an absolutely new era of super advanced cybernetic technologies which will soon give birth to Artificial General Intelligence. It will lead us to a huge shift of our status as currently the most influential and highly complex creatures on this planet who have always treated themselves as a pinnacle of evolutionary creation.

We can already see first paintings, songs and other pieces of art created by the smart algorithm. Hence we might assume that in the future some good portion of all art and design will be created by a machine. So my projection of the future includes the same assumption. The art of the future I present might be deliberately created by a machine.




Daniil Alikov Live

Beauty is a core part of my designs. As far as I’m widening and enriching my artistic vision, I’m using it to create beautiful art as I can imagine it at the moment. My paintings speak to the viewer in a language of limitlessness and freedom of interpretation and they aim to show something new to the eye and something beautiful for a mind.
— Daniil in his own words

My Artistic Language


I’m developing my own artistic language which I use to describe my research on the question “what if we extrapolate the global course of art into the near future and would realize that here, right now?” In other words, I’m wondering how the art of the future might look like and am creating it now, so this future would have a chance to happen. I explore modern materials and technologies and how to use them to assemble something beautiful.

Beauty is a core part of my designs. As far as I’m widening and enriching my artistic vision, I'm using it to create beautiful art as I can imagine it at the moment. My paintings speak to the viewer in a language of limitlessness and freedom of interpretation and they aim to show something new to the eye and something beautiful for a mind.


Selected Recent Exhibitions


Solo Shows

Group Shows & Fairs



Studio Visit




My work is entirely based on my research on the topic of the future and in particular, the possible appearance of art in that future. Also it’s very important to note that through my practice I show how the future is being constructed and realized in the present moment.

This is my very new take on The Suprematism Manifesto by Kazimir Malevich whose works I admire with no doubt. But there is no desire to destroy something anymore. There is no detachment from the objects of the past. We gained so much invaluable experience in those hundred years as a cultural species that we don’t need to destroy something or to dismiss anything in order to create some very new thing, a piece of art, namely. But the core desire to create the future now, by our artistic efforts, is definitely a very appealing idea to me.

I explore new materials, new approaches and new technologies when I create my works. I want to show the audience what’s also possible. And it’s very important for me to make works which are visually attractive. First, I judge it myself of course and I hope I will find people who share this feeling of new beauty with me.

My works speak the new visual language but one can find in it so many references from what we already have. Any new thing must include something familiar so we can identify it. Creation of something new is an infinite process of building up knowledge and experience. This is what truly inspires me. Moving forward and giving others a very new aesthetic experience. This is my artistic direction.


from an interview WITH Daniil

Q: How did you develop your paintings in capturing the human form? 


Daniil Alikov is an abstract artist who uses aesthetics straight out of science fiction and speculative tech to create two and three-dimensional artworks. The pieces are highly structured and textural, and there’s an interesting tension between the artist’s use of traditional media and the unconventional appearance of his finished pieces.